
Should digital collectibles be donated to a museum?

Should digital collectibles be donated to a museum?

Digital collectibles, also known as crypto-collectibles or non-fungible tokens (NFTs), have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the rise of blockchain technology and the ability to buy easily, sell, and trade unique digital items online. 

The use of blockchain technology allows for the creation of unique and verifiable digital items that can be bought, sold, and traded like physical collectibles, but without the need for physical storage or transportation. This has allowed people to collect and trade digital items, including art, video games, and other virtual assets. 

As a result, the market for digital collectibles has grown significantly in recent years.

Popular as they’ve become, debates have arisen as to whether it makes sense to donate them to museums. Some schools of thought have supported it, while others are not optimistic about it. 

We examine whether or not you should donate your digital collectible to a museum. 

The Benefits of Donating Digital Collectibles to a Museum

First, donating digital collectibles to a museum can provide exposure and recognition for the donor in several ways. For one, donating these items can be seen as a public statement supporting the museum and its mission, enhancing the donor’s reputation and standing in the community. 

Also, the museum may publicly recognize the donor for their contribution, enhancing their reputation and providing valuable exposure to their work. One example of this can be seen in the case of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, which has a long history of acquiring and displaying digital collectibles. 

In 2019, the museum acquired the video game “Minecraft” as part of its collection and publicly recognized the game’s creator, Markus Persson, for his contribution. This provided valuable exposure for Persson and his work and helped establish “Minecraft” as an important cultural artifact worthy of preservation and study.

Another example can be seen in Case Western Reserve University’s Digitized Comics Collection, which includes several digital collectibles donated by individuals and organizations. The university publicly recognizes donors on its website, providing valuable exposure and recognition for those who have contributed to the collection.

Donating digital collectibles to a museum can provide exposure and recognition for the donor by publicly acknowledging their contribution and supporting the preservation of their work. This can help to enhance the donor’s reputation and provide valuable exposure to their work. 

Apart from these, digital collectibles have other utilities for museums such as: 

1. Promoting engagement with exhibits

Digital collectibles can be used to encourage visitors to interact with exhibits and learn more about the museum's collections. For example, a museum might create a digital collectible that is tied to a specific exhibit or artifact, and visitors can earn the collectible by completing a quiz or other interactive activity related to the exhibit.

2. Generating revenue

Museums can sell digital collectibles to visitors as a way to generate additional revenue. These collectibles can be sold through the museum's website or through a dedicated digital collectible platform.

3. Building a community

Digital collectibles can be used to build a sense of community among museum visitors and fans. For example, a museum might host events or contests related to its digital collectibles, allowing visitors to engage with each other and share their collections with one another.

What can museums do with digital collectibles?

There are several ways a museum can use digital collectibles, depending on the nature and focus of the collection. Some common examples include:

  1. Displaying digital collectibles as part of an exhibit, either as standalone items or as part of a larger collection. This can provide visitors with an opportunity to see and interact with these items and can help to educate them about the history and significance of digital culture and technology.

  1. Using digital collectibles as educational resources in the museum or outreach programs. For example, a museum might use digital collectibles as part of a lesson plan or educational program, providing students with an opportunity to learn about the technologies and processes involved in creating these items.

  1. Preserving digital collectibles for future generations. This can help to protect these items from obsolescence and other threats and can help to ensure that they remain accessible and useful for many years to come.

How to transfer the ownership of your digital collectible to a museum

Before transferring ownership of your digital collectible to a museum, there are some steps you should take to ensure that the process goes smoothly and that your collectible is preserved and used in the best possible way. 

Some of the key steps to consider include the following:

Step #1: Researching museums that may be interested in your collectible. This may involve contacting museums directly to inquire about their collection policies and priorities or looking for museums that already have a collection of digital collectibles and may be interested in expanding them.

Step #2: Gathering information and documentation about your collectible. This may include any documentation or provenance you have for the item, technical information about its creation, and any unique features or characteristics.

Step #3: Discussing your donation with the museum. Once you have identified a museum that may be interested in your collectible, discussing your donation with them in detail is important. This may involve negotiating any conditions or restrictions on the donation, such as how the collectible will be used or displayed, and ensuring that the museum has the necessary resources and expertise to preserve and care for the item.

Step #4" Transferring ownership of the collectible to the museum. This may involve signing a donation agreement or other legal document to formalize the transfer of ownership and providing the museum with any necessary technical assistance or support to ensure they can access and use the collectible.

Transferring ownership of a digital collectible to a museum involves steps to ensure that the process goes smoothly and that the collectible is preserved and used in the best possible way.

 By taking the time to research museums, gather information and documentation, discuss your donation, and transfer ownership of the collectible, you can help to ensure that your collectible is preserved and used in a way that is consistent with your wishes and interests.

The Challenges of Donating Digital Collectibles to a Museum

There are several challenges that museums may face when considering the donation of digital collectibles, including:

  1. Legal and ownership issues:  One of the main challenges is determining the legal ownership of digital collectibles, as they may be subject to different laws and regulations than physical artifacts. It is important for museums to carefully consider any legal issues related to the acquisition and display of digital collectibles.

  1.  Storage and preservation: Museums must consider how they will store and preserve digital collectibles over time. This may involve creating and maintaining multiple copies of the collectible in different formats, as well as ensuring that the collectible is accessible to researchers and the public.

  1. Accessibility: Museums must also consider how they will make digital collectibles available to the public, which may involve developing and maintaining online exhibits or creating physical displays that incorporate digital elements.

  1.  Funding: Museums may face challenges in securing funding to support the acquisition, storage, preservation, and display of digital collectibles.

Alternative Options for Donating Digital Collectibles

Some alternative options for donating digital collectibles depend on the donor’s goals and priorities. 

One option is to give the collectibles to a private collector interested in acquiring these items for their collection. This can provide an opportunity for the collectibles to be preserved and enjoyed by someone passionate about them and can help to ensure that they are not lost or forgotten.

Another option is to sell the collectibles on a digital marketplace, such as an online auction or a dedicated platform for trading digital collectibles.

This can provide an opportunity for the donor to recoup some of their investment in the collectibles and help ensure that the collectibles are preserved and used in a way that is consistent with their value and significance.

By carefully considering these options and choosing the most appropriate for their situation, donors can help ensure that their collectibles are preserved and used in a way that is consistent with their interests and values.

While alternative options for donating digital collectibles, such as giving them to a private collector or selling them on a digital marketplace, may provide more control and potential financial gain for the donor, they may not have the same potential for preservation and education as donating to a museum.

Giving digital collectibles to a private collector, for example, can give the donor more control over how the collectibles are used and preserved, as they can specify any conditions or restrictions on their use. 

This can be particularly beneficial for donors attached to their collectibles and who want to ensure they are treated with care and respect. However, private collectors may have a different level of expertise or resources than a museum, which can limit their ability to care for and display the collectibles properly.

Selling digital collectibles on a digital marketplace is one option if your only goal is to make money from your collection.While alternative options for donating digital collectibles may provide more control and potential financial gain for the donor, they may have a different potential for preservation and education than donating to a museum.

By carefully considering their options and choosing the most appropriate for their situation, donors can help ensure that their collectibles are preserved and used in a way that is consistent with their interests and values.

If digital collectibles are not donated or carefully preserved in some way, we risk losing the chance of experiencing some rare art pieces. For instance, where a digital version of the Apocalyptic maternal art is deteriorating is created. If not carefully preserved, we could lose the chance to experience the art at its best.

Overall, there is a risk that digital collectibles may be lost or forgotten if they are not donated or carefully preserved in some way. To avoid this risk, digital collectibles need to be preserved in a secure and controlled environment, such as a museum, where they can be protected from threats and shared with the public.


Donating your digital collectible to a museum has several benefits, such as preserving the art from theft, extinction, etc. Also, museums can do a lot with your digital collectibles, such as using them for research purposes and exhibits, among other things. 

Great as this is, the final decision on whether or not you donate your digital collectible to a museum rests on you. Although it has its benefits, you can keep your digital collectible safe. But if you decide to donate it to a museum, be sure that it’s certain that you’ve done a great service for the advancement of art.